It's the end of the world as we know it... and I feel fine. Apparently, the Mayan's were unable to see past the year 2012. I don't think that necessarily means that the world is over. I think it means that some of us haven't been able to see what the new world will look like.
As I was meditating on the year 2012 and thinking about my focus for this upcoming season, I really felt like this next year was going to be the beginning of something new.... and more specifically it was going to be the beginning of the changing of the guard.... metaphorically speaking.
As a child, I had the opportunity to watch the changing of the guard in front of Buckingham Palace. The Changing of the Guard ceremony is the formal handing-over of responsibility from the ‘old guard’ who have been standing guard at St. James’s and Buckingham Palace, to the ‘new guard’. It represents a new order and authority being given to a new group of soldiers. This is the transition that I feel is taking place in the earth. I am not sure exactly what it will look like for everyone..... but for some it will mean the transition into positions of influence and new opportunities. No matter what your political, social or religious convictions are, I think we can all pretty much agree that the world cannot continue as it has been. There are big changes that need to take place.... and probably on governmental levels.
I am in eager anticipation for 2012..........The earth is in eager anticipation for this change too. I believe there are great things in store for us!

I love the connection of your childhood experience with today's happenings. I have had similar thoughts about 2012. Many think gloom and doom, but I see opportunity for change like never before. Perhaps it has something to do with the maturation of the X generation. Whereas gen x and y has had their prominence in the interwebs, gen x is just now beginnning to control more traditional positions of leadership in business, politics, and religion. Here's to God's abundant life in 2012! -- Marcus