Lately, I have had discussions with a few friends and have found that we are all seeing the same thing. So, for clarity sake, whether these numbers have personal meaning or apply to us corporately, here is my belief and interpretation of what they mean.
123- Everything is aligning
333- Radical change
777- Completion
444- New creative works
888- New beginnings
11:11- Transition
Here is what I feel is going on corporately........
The past few years have been great seasons of transition for many people. During these seasons, we have been prepared for what is coming. We are moving from a place and time of transition into a season of new things and new beginnings. It is the beginning of the new and the end of the old. The things that have seemed difficult to overcome or navigate will be quickly resolved. Things that have remained unclear and uncertain will begin to become clear as things align. The directions and opportunities that have seemed unclear or hidden will begin to present themselves. What we didn't think was possible will become possible. We will see the things that we have hoped and dreamed for. I feel that there is great potential to accomplish big things in this next year and to see the fruit of what we have been working towards the past couple years.
2013 is going to be very exciting!
xo Clare