I often find myself in situations where I am observing something in the natural environment, I will have a dream, or I will encounter an unusual coincidence, and I know that the experience has a deeper meaning but I am not sure what it is. These experiences have led me to study the subject of Spiritual Intelligence for the past 7 years. During my journey into this subject, I have come across many people who share similar experiences and have been on their own journey for answers. This has led me to believe that since we are body, soul, and spirit the subject of spiritual intelligence is just as important as IQ and EQ..... And yet, this subject is typically ignored because it is often misunderstood or considered too large of a subject to approach, too "religious", or even too scary for some people. For those of us who live in and experience the natural and spiritual realm or for those of you who are hungry to experience more of the spiritual realm, this blog series on SQ is for you.
For clarification, the definition of Spiritual Intelligence is the following:
Spiritual Intelligence is a measurement of intelligence referring to those who because of constant use and practice have trained their senses to discern what has been hidden or is being revealed in the spiritual realm.
This definition suggests to me that there are a few practical steps necessary to begin to understand the subject.
- First, and probably most important, one must acknowledge that a spiritual realm exists
- Second, one must believe that we can interact with the spiritual realm, or at the very least, that the spiritual and physical realm have an affect on each other
- Third, each person has been given a measure of ability to sense this realm and that those who train and practice will experience an increase in their ability to see and understand the invisible
So... where are you on your journey?
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Laozi
xo Clare
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