Monday, July 29, 2013

Knowing your season...

One of the most valuable journeys I have been on personally and professionally is learning how to live in the tension of having a vision for the future and living in the present moment. I refer to this as "knowing your season". I consider this to be essential to the success of running a business or simply living a happy and more fulfilled life.

It is often difficult for those of us who have great vision for the future to be happy in the here and now because we are constantly focused on pulling a future reality into the present.  Probably the greatest lesson I have learned through this process  is to maintain gratitude in the present and focus on building what is in front me at the moment. I am consistently amazed at how many doors have opened when I change my posture from dissatisfaction to gratitude and maintain focus on present realities vs. attempting to live in a future that has not yet manifested. In practice, I have made a habit of saying 3 things that I am thankful for each day.

So today I am thankful for:
  1. The ability to pursue my dreams
  2. That some seasons in life are temporary
  3. That each sunrise is a reminder of a new beginning 
What are you thankful for?

xo Clare